Product description
- Spirulina is a kind of cyanobacteria similar to Suizenji seaweed, and is one of the oldest plants that was born on earth more than 3 billion years ago. It breeds mainly in highly alkaline salt water lakes in subtropical regions such as Africa and Latin America. “Spirulina” is a Latin word that means “helix”, and is because it has a twisted shape. Because it contains abundant various types of nutrients, it is a convenient food as a dietary supplement for modern people who tends to take unbalanced meals. Because it is an “ideal nutritional food”, NASA is also developing it as a space food.
- Spirulina has five major nutrients : Besides proteins, sugariness, fatty acids, and vitamins, it also contains plenty of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc which tend to be deficient in daily diet. Spirulina contains all 5 major nutrients. Furthermore, as it is good for digestion and absorption, these components are smoothly absorbed by the body.
These are the great points of spirulina
1. Contains 18 types of amino acids
- Protein (amino acid) is an important nutrient which is a kind of raw material used to build cells, enzymes, hormones of our body. Spirulina contains about 70% of high-quality protein, that is 18 types of amino acid including essential amino acids and nonessential amino acids.
2. Rich in pigment such as chlorophyll and carotenoid
- Spirulina contains abundant natural pigments such as green chlorophyll, blue phycocyanin, orange or yellow carotenoid.
- Chlorophyll is a notable ingredient that is useful not only for supporting body circulation, but also care for tired body and hangover. Spirulina contains beta-carotene and zeaxanthin as carotenoids and these natural pigments play a very important role in reviewing an unhealthy dietary habit.
3. Vitamin B12 tends to be deficient
- Although it seems that vitamin is contained in vegetables, vitamin B12 is rarely contained in vegetables but abundant in animal-derived food.
- Spirulina is algae nevertheless it contains more vitamin B12 than liver and oyster.
4. Linoleic acid which control extra fat
- Excessive fat on the body, which is even took up on TV in recent years. Spirulina is rich in linoleic acid and gamma linolenic acid, which cleanse the annoyances that can cause poor circulation and bad health. In particular, these two components cannot be made by the body, so they must be supplemented on a regular basis.
5. Alkaline food
- Spirulina is an alkaline food. In order to keep healthy every day, it is necessary to take alkaline foods and acidic foods in a well-balanced manner, but the dietary habits of modern people who live in hectic lifestyle, tend to be biased toward acidic foods.
How to take spirulina
- Please take 40 tablets of spirulina with water or other beverage in a few times per day.
- 20 tablets are the suggested amount, so please adjust the amount of intake according to your meals or physical condition on the day.
Start with 5 tablets
- When you take spirulina for the first time, please take 5 tablets at the beginning and ensure that there is no discomfort. If there is no problem, please increase the number of tablets gradually.
For people who get diarrhea
- Spirulina is a food which has high effect of calming intestinal disorders, so it may cause diarrhea to some people. If you having diarrhea after taking, please try to continue taking 1 or a few tablets. If your physical condition gets better, please increase the number of tablets gradually.
For people who become constipated
- If constipation occurred after taking, it may due to inadequate of water, please try to drink more water and see how your condition goes.
Take with yogurt or lactic acid bacteria beverage
- Spirulina has a function which increases lactic bacterium and probiotic bacteria so we also recommend to take it with yogurt or lactic acid bacteria beverage.
For children
- For children, 1 or a few tablets is the suggested amount per day. Please crush the tablets with back of spoon and mix with milk or juice to give baby and infant who can’t swallow tablets.
Spirulina 100% contains approximately 64 to 75 times more beta carotene than spinach, plus a wide and balanced spectrum of nutrients, including vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, E, folic acid, and Pantothenic acid, as well as minerals such as Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, and Iron.
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